Submit your Event


Please fill in your name and email address so we can contact you regarding this Service.

Name of person completing this form
Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies will never share your email with anyone else.
Please include the name of the Organization you are submitting on behalf of.

Event Details

Event Name & Description

Dates & Times

Does this event repeat?


Where is the Event being hosted? (e.g. Downtown Missoula)
Is this a remote event? (e.g. Zoom, conference call)
What is the physical address of the Event?
If this is a virtual event, zipcode is optional.
Is this Event located on a Montana Reservation or does it serve a particular Native American community?

Cost and Audience

e.g. Suggested $5 donation
Is there an Alcohol Free Zone at this event?

Contact Information

Event Organizer

Please list the Event organizer.

Who or which organization is hositng or sponsoring the Event?
The website related to the Event. This may be an organization's events page on their website, a link to a Facebook event page, or an event ticketing service.

Event Contacts

Additional Information

Notes for Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies

This information will only be visible to Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies staff members. Please include any additional information you would like our staff to know and any questions you may have.